Planning your wedding can be a stressful time, with many different things to consider in order to prepare for your special day. One of the early things to action is the save the date cards. Instead of sending out traditional save the date cards, you could try one of the unique and creative ideas listed below.

Boarding pass save the dates

Many people are now choosing to have destination weddings, often abroad. If you’re considering a destination wedding in another country, a unique idea would be to get your save the dates printed on traditional flight boarding passes. Of course, these would not be used for catching an actual flight but would draw attention due to how unique they are, especially considering that traditional boarding passes often aren’t used anymore when flying.

Recyclable materials

People are becoming more and more aware of the climate issues facing the world, with many couples now choosing to have sustainable weddings. Instead of using a normal card to make your save the dates, why not consider using recyclable materials such as recycled cards or bamboo? This will also show how committed you are to living sustainably, and bamboo save the date cards can look quite unique, due to the materials used.

Custom matchbooks

Matchbooks are becoming a thing of the past, due to the invention of modern lighters. One unique idea would be to create personalised matchbooks for your guests, with their names and the date of the wedding printed on the front of them. Inside the matchbooks, you could also include some matches, to make the whole thing seem more genuine.

Fridge magnets

This may not seem like an obvious choice for your save the dates, but printing personalised fridge magnets for your guests would be a fun and innovative idea. Instead of creating plastic magnets, you could make them out of a number of different materials, such as wood, which would give them a classier feel, also giving them a secondary purpose, so the save the dates won’t just be thrown away afterwards.

For many more ideas to mark your wedding day memories, take a look through the rest of our blog posts. Or you can discuss them with us if you’re considering Hyde Bank Farm as your wedding venue.

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